our vision
your Story
our vision
your Story

Built for founders and investors.

Founded in 2024, Table for Ten is built around the theme of connections, relationships and people-first.

For years, the ecosystem has been riddled with backroom dealings, exclusive clubs and non-inclusive investments.

We're not changing that.
We're just different.

Down arrow.
Down arrow.
Down arrow.
Down arrow.

The club


They say that early stage investments is all about 'who you know'. Except, that 'who you know' is locked away in exclusive clubs, opaque processes and an ambiguous minefield for founders.

At the heart of this is our investor club - designed for angels looking to access smart deal flow and young investors to get on to exceptional deals alongside experienced operators.

Our club all starts with TABLE FOR TEN

TEN people around a dinner table comprising of mostly investors, 1 or 2 founders and the occasional special guest.

Chatham house rules apply.
Currently in London, soon Paris, Barcelona, Lisbon, Madrid and New York.

Angels should apply to join the club and attend a dinner.
Founders should apply to stay up to date.

Apply Now
Apply Now

“i love food”

Rayan bannai

operating partner

But who even are we

We invest in founders who are passionate and committed to their vision for growth.

Domenico ranucci

co-founder - Partner

Rayan Bannai

co-founder - operating partner